
This blog is all about me trying out things and hopefully getting you to try out some things too! There will be a lot of DIY, websites to try, recipes, and more! If you would like me to try out anything please let me know!

Monday, March 3, 2014

DIY Tub cleaner!

Anyone sick of the cold yet? Us Michiganders are really wishing for warm weather right about now! With the thought of spring on my mind, and less favorable spring cleaning, I thought I would write about some DIY cleaners that I have tried. I am almost 8 months pregnant so all if not mostly natural is a must for me! Also I like to make my own cleaners so I know exactly whats in them!

My husband and I are in the process of buying our first house! It is such an exciting time for our family. With that said, that means I have to deep clean our apartment. That, my friends, is not so much fun! Especially since I am horrible with cleaning anyways so I always have a bunch of stuck on gunk that I need to clean off. 

For my first post, I thought I would post about an awesome DIY tub cleaner that I had saw on facebook and heard great things about it from one of my friends. I, of course, had to try it and I love it! Plus, I cannot use the commercial tub cleaners. They upset my asthma and are horrible if your pregnant! This is seriously the best tub cleaner I have ever used. Want to know how I make it? Water, dawn dish soap, and white vinegar. Seriously, that's it! So first I will show you a picture of my tub. Please don't judge! I am not lying when I say I am the worst at cleaning, ask my husband. So here is my lovely apartments tub:

So those dark spots on the right side, yeah that's not a shadow. Well, it's mostly not a shadow. That is scum! Yucky right? Now the first thing I do is run out to the dollar store and buy a spray bottle. Did I mention I love dollar stores? Whoever thought "I am going to open this store and make everything a dollar," is a genius! Well anyways, back onto the cleaner. Then I gather my supplies.

I grab my cleaning bottle and I fill it 1/4 of a way with Dawn dish soap. A lot of people say to use the blue kind. I did that at first but then I found the green apple kind and fell in love! It smells so good and to me personally it helps a lot with the smell of the vinegar. Then I fill it to the halfway point with vinegar and gently swirl to mix. Some people say to heat the vinegar but I personally don't and it works just fine. Here are the two mixed:

After it is filled halfway I fill the rest of it with water and swirl again carefully to make it all mixed together. Don't shake! It will sud like crazy and make sure to add the water slowly! Here it what the finished product looks like:

So after it is all mixed together and made I go in and I spray/drench my shower in the solution. I let it sit for an hour and then I use my little scrubbie brush and clean out the tub. I don't even have to scrub, its pretty much just wiping and the scum comes right off! Its amazing! Here is the after picture:

Also a great idea I saw was to put the solution right in the scrubbie brush. I rather spray it around as my main method of application. If I have a little bit left in the bottle I like to put it in the scrubbie brush and add a little more dish soap! Seriously, go out and try it!

1 comment:

  1. Before and after pictures are great, even though the before picture may be embarrassing. Loved your post! Looking forward to more.
