So anyways, onto my post. Have you heard of this thing called oil pulling? Its when you take a kind of oil and swish it around in your mouth for a while then spit it out. I have seen people using olive oil, vegetable oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil. I'm sure there are more oils out there to use also. I decided to try it and use coconut oil.
Now there are a lot of people out there that says it pretty much performs miracles. People in blogs say that it whitens teeth, gets rid of cavities, helps with sensitivity, helps out your whole body as a detox, and is great for your oral health. I saw all those things and had some gift cards to Amazon so I thought why not try it! The internet says that sesame oil is the best to use but I have heard great things about coconut oil and you can use it for multiple things.
My research told me that there are two type of coconut oil. There is refined which is made from coconut meat that has been dried. It doesn't have the coconut flavor that an unrefined type of coconut oil would have. That is because it has been bleached, treated to reduce bacteria, and cooked at a high heat to extract the smell and flavor of the coconut. Unrefined (virgin coconut oil is what it can be referred to) means that it has the smell and flavor of the coconut. It hasn't been treated or bleached in any way and most people say this is the type of oil to choose. So I followed what I read and bought Nutiva coconut oil from Amazon.
After reading a whole bunch of blog post about coconut oil pulling I was quite scared. A lot of them said it was a horrible experience and that they puked because of it! I have puked enough from having morning sickness from being pregnant, it is really not fun. I think I have puked enough to last a lifetime! I tried it anyways because that's what I do and all I could think is these people are wimps! I didn't puke and my husband loved how I didn't talk for 20 minutes each morning!
If you want to try this crazy trend and be a follower like me I will be glad to share with you how to do it! First thing in the morning you take a tablespoon of the coconut oil and plop it right into your mouth! I read not to eat before you do it. I ate a couple times and was just fine but I tried not to let my hunger control me!
That is what you would call my "stank face." After I plopped that big glob into my mouth I set the timer for 20 minutes on my stove. Yes you put it in your mouth for 20 minutes! I got the kids around for breakfast and made hubby's lunch while merrily swishing away. You don't want to swish vigorously, you mostly want to pull it though your teeth and swish gently. Trust me, if you do swish vigorously your jaw hurts a lot afterward! This is me swishing:
Nothing makes you feel more vain than having to take pictures of yourself! I am not a selfie type of girl so this was awkward for me! At about 15 minutes into swishing the amount of liquid inside your mouth doubles. Its hard to keep it all in. I do the ladylike thing, and spit a little bit of it out. At 20 minutes you spit it into your trash. You don't want to spit it in the sink because it can clog drains. It has a white milky look to it. That's a good thing! Then I swish my mouth out with salt water and brush my teeth. I will tell you that my teeth feel so smooth afterwards! I love the feeling it gives my teeth. It also makes my lips really smooth and soft. Bonus! Plus, if you have a kernel of popcorn stuck into you teeth, do a little oil pulling. It will pop that sucker right out!
Now my cavities (yes, sadly I have a couple cavities) are still there. It didn't even lessen them. Oh well, I guess a trip to the dentist is in order. Also it might have decreased my sensitivity to things a little bit but I am still pretty sensitive to hot and cold. My teeth did look a shade or two whiter after a couple weeks of doing it. It wasn't a whole lot of difference though. It might still work for you guys though. I would still give it a try! Plus coconut oil is good for a lot of awesome things. Hair masks, lotions, good to eat, sunscreen, you name it. I will be blogging about some of the recipes I use it in when I perfect them a little! So all in all I would do this again and again. Plus coconut oil is now high on my shopping list! We are going to end it with my son looking for a fist bump! Right on!
*After I posed this and shared it to my facebook one of my friends let me know that they found out they were allergic to coconut oil. What I would suggest if your not much of a coconut eater then only take a little bit at first and swish it around for a couple minutes. Then after you spit that out wait about a half hour. Usually allergic reactions happen quickly but take the 30 to be safe. If no reaction your good! She said her mouth got really itchy and it was awful.
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